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This module implements a primitive API to expose Nim code as a C header. It makes many assumptions based off my understanding of Nim's ABI. To use it simply annotate a procedure or global variable with {.exportc, dynlib, expose.} Most Nim builtin types are supported with the default hooks. If a type you want to use does not work create a proc toTypeDefs(T: typedesc[YourType]): string. This type populates the typedefs and adds any required headers In the case you need headers you should include them by doing headers.incl theHeader. For all children fields call addType(ChildType). That will append that type and add it to a type cache to prevent it from adding the typedef again. Next you likely also will need to write your own proc toCtype(T: typedesc[YourType], name: string, procArg: bool): string. That callback should return the C type for your type. name is the name of the parameter or variable that it was told to generate. procArg indicates whether it is a proc argument, this is important for things like Nim's implicit pass by reference. Finally when done you can do makeHeader("/path/to/header.h") this will concatenate and make the final header.


import seeya
when defined(genHeader):
  {.warning[UnsafeDefault]: off.}

const nameStr = "your_lib_prefix_$1"


{.pragma: exporter, cdecl, dynlib, exportc: nameStr.}
{.pragma: exporterVar, dynlib, exportc: nameStr.}

proc print_int_arr(oa: openArray[int]) {.exporter, expose.} =
  echo oa

proc add_int(a, b: int): int {.exporter, expose.} =
  a + b

var my_int {.exporterVar, expose.} = 100

  MyEnum = enum

proc toTypeDefs(_: typedesc[MyEnum]): string =
  headers.incl "<stdio.h>" # Pretend it requires a specific header
  seeya.toTypeDefs(MyEnum) # call the original enum generator

proc toCType(_: typedesc[MyEnum], name: string, isProcArg: bool): string =
  # We're also pretending we need to make our own C type proc
  result = "enum "
  result.add ($MyEnum).formatName()
  result.add " "
  result.add name

when defined(genHeader):
    discard staticExec("clang-format -i mylib.h")


OpaqueRef[T] {.borrow: `.`.} = distinct T
Opaque refs do not emit any fields just a typedef void*. Source   Edit  
OpaqueSeq[T] = distinct seq[T]
Opaque seqs do not emit their entire struct, just the top level one. Source   Edit  
OpaqueString = distinct string
Opaque seqs do not emit their entire struct, just the top level one. Source   Edit  
Passes = enum
  Inferred, PassesByRef, PassesByCopy
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TypedNimNode = NimNode
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headers {.compileTime, used.}: HashSet[string]
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proc addType(T: typedesc)
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proc formatName(s: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc passesByRef(T: typedesc[object]): bool
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proc setFormatter(formatter: static string) {.compileTime.}
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proc toCName(s: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Converts a Nim type to a "valid" C identifier Uses simple replace dumb as hell Source   Edit  
proc toCType(__536871190: typedesc[cstring]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType(__536871258: typedesc[string]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType(__536871271: typedesc[float32]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType(__536871277: typedesc[bool]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType(__536871283: typedesc[char]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType(__536871305: typedesc[OpaqueString]; name: string; isProcArg: bool): string
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proc toCType(T: typedesc[object]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType(T: typedesc[proc]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[Idx, T](__536871198: typedesc[array[Idx, T]]; name: string;
                     procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T: distinct](__536871168: typedesc[T]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T: enum](__536871356: typedesc[T]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T: float or float64](__536871265: typedesc[T]; name: string;
                                  procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T: range](__536871225: typedesc[T]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T: SomeInteger](__536871213: typedesc[T]; name: string;
                             procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T: tuple](t: typedesc[T]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T](__536871184: typedesc[PtrOrRef[T]]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T](__536871205: typedesc[set[T]]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T](__536871232: typedesc[openArray[T]]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T](__536871246: typedesc[seq[T]]; name: string; procArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T](__536871295: typedesc[OpaqueRef[T]]; name: string;
                isProcArg: bool): string
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proc toCType[T](__536871317: typedesc[OpaqueSeq[T]]; name: string;
                isProcArg: bool): string
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proc toTypeDefs(__536871252: typedesc[string]): string
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proc toTypeDefs(__536871301: typedesc[OpaqueString]): string
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proc toTypeDefs(T: typedesc[object]): string
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proc toTypeDefs(T: typedesc[proc]): string
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proc toTypeDefs(T: typedesc[tuple]): string
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proc toTypeDefs[T: distinct](__536871163: typedesc[T]): string
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proc toTypeDefs[T: enum](__536871347: typedesc[T]): string
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proc toTypeDefs[T: not (object or distinct or tuple or enum)](__536871158: typedesc[
    T]): string
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proc toTypeDefs[T](__536871239: typedesc[seq[T]]): string
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proc toTypeDefs[T](__536871290: typedesc[OpaqueRef[T]]): string
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proc toTypeDefs[T](__536871312: typedesc[OpaqueSeq[T]]): string
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macro expose(t: untyped): untyped
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macro makeHeader(location: static string)
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